Dec 13, 20203 min read
Jesus – The Lamb, Saviour And Bridegroom
By bro Paul Lim What’s in a name? Does a name tell you something about a person? Very recently, a group of like-minded individuals came...
Sep 13, 20202 min read
Re-examining Our Faith Through The Eyes Of A Child (Part 2)
By sis Jacqueline Wee Q3) Who created God? Parent’s response: “No one created God. He exists before the world. If not, how could He have...
Sep 6, 20202 min read
Re-examining Our Faith Through The Eyes Of A Child (Part 1)
By sis Jacqueline Wee There is so much going on in the minds of little ones and so much we can learn from them. I used to be intrigued by...